Human Resource Management - Lead Auditor [HRM-LA] Self Paced

Human Resource Management - Lead Auditor [HRM-LA] Self Paced

An HR audit involves an objective look at the company’s HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies to protect the company, establish best practices and identify opportunities for improvement. An objective review of the company’s “current state” can help you evaluate whether specific practice

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After successful completion of the program, the participants will

  • be an Auditor to conduct HR Audit
  • be an HR generalist to perform HR function in a standard and effective way
  • be a consultant for setting standard HR system

An HR audit involves an objective look at the company’s HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies to protect the company, establish best practices and identify opportunities for improvement. An objective review of the company’s “current state” can help you evaluate whether specific practice areas are adequate, legal, and/or effective. The results can provide decision-makers with the information necessary to decide what areas need improvement.

An HR audit can be structured to be either comprehensive or specifically focused. There are several types of audits, and each is designed to accomplish different objectives. Some of the more common types are

M-1-HR Audits









M-1: Introduction to Audit & Auditor

M-2: Concept of HR Audit

M-3: Role & Competencies for HR Auditor

M-4: Conduction of HR Audit

M-5: Data Collection through questionnaire development

M-6: Data Analysis through standard Scale

M-7: Assessment & Interpretation of findings

M-8: Audit Report Preparation


Mode: Fully Onilne

Total Module: 8

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Fee $ 390.00

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